
Global Big Day Birding - Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia

 On 13th May , considered as the Global Big Day for Bird watchers.I was able to find some birds. Most of them were in the breeding plumage as its the season for the birds to look for the partners. Red wattled lapwing now seen often and is breeding.While terns with some fish hunts and willow warbler having fun with its snack meal. Red wattled lapwing little Bittern - full breeding Willow warbler Caspian Tern - with a fish Common Tern Squacco Heron Rose RIng Parakeet Little Ringed Plover little Tern - with a fish Streaked Heron

Semicollared Flycatcher(a lifer) and some other interesting birds in Al Khober

 While birding today in one of the the parks of Al Khober ,i found a semicollared flycatcher which is a lifer for me. I visited the park based on the knowledge that the season is here for this species and i ws lucky. There were like five flyctachers including females, an awesome sight i was not expecting.The park was full of bird songs and calls.Although i was on one spot of the park but it seems there could be more semicollarred around the park. Some other birds included common nightingale, COmmon redstart,lesser whitethroat, some leaf warblers and plenty tree pipits on the ground. This park has alway sbeen interesting as its location is just near to the coast.

Some Birds from Eastern Region _ March 2023

Birding had been pretty slow this Quarter . I was able to capture some of the migrants in early march. Black Winged Kite is almost a resident seen since 5 years. Whereas other species are passage migrants on the return.  

Largest Flock of Great Crested Grebes - This Winter Again on the Eastern Province Coasts - Saudi Arabia

 While birding along the shores of the eastern province,this time of the year again i spotted some huge flocks of Great Crested Grebes.These birds are some what special and its always a treat to watch them. I believe this time the numbers are even more then the last year. Rough count would be like 100-150 birds together. I was able to get some photos for a record and kept watching them for an hour till they went far away.

Red Vented Bulbul - My first record from Saudi Arabia

 Birding had been a bit slow for a while due to routine. Today  while birding in the near reeds near the shores i witnessed 2 red vented bulbuls among huge flock of White Eared bulbuls. The presence was not much welcomed by them and the red ones had to flee. Its an uncommon bird to be seen in the eastern region .The numbers have reduced from past decade where it is said to be commonly seen around.

Pied Kingfisher - Five females in Al Khobar - Saudi Arabia

 Last week while birding in some reeds near Halfmoon i witnessed five female Pied kingfisher. Although,iv seen them here past two years but this time the number increased. Its not a natural habitat for them but somehow they tend to live and enjoy here. I hope they survive and expand to the region.Its always exciting to see them and flying around. I was able to capture one with a fish and would like to share below Uptil now i  have noot seen any Male record in the Eastern region.